The Westlake Village Art Guild is looking for a volunteer to coordinate the outside exhibits. If you are interested, please contact Daniel Raminfard.
Now Showing at the Westlake Village Library
January 11, 2025 - March 15, 2025 Barry Pollack
I am a local physician with a former and lingering career as a writer and film director. About a decade ago, I also took up art. Initially, I chose to draw on a chalkboard because it's a medium that's forgiving. It's adaptable and, like writing, you can delete and start over again. I have mostly chosen to work with abstract form and when I create a piece that's "finished," I apply a fixative. If you want to see more of my art and writing, check out my website:
March 15 to May 10, 2025 - Larry Deeds
"Larry has been fascinated by art from the first time he saw Jon Gnagy’s “Learn To Draw” on his little black-and-white television at age 7. The pencil, and sketching, became his best friend. And always a study in values, the interplay of light and shadow, dark and light…
At Chapman University, his sketching expanded to embrace color and the new media he needed to understand it. Colored pencil, etching, silkscreen, lithography. Never letting go of his pencil and sense of control, however, he never picked up a brush and painted.
Time passed as he pursued his other passion, a career in music, until that passion finally subsided and led him to a steady paycheck, selling to the film and television industry in Hollywood. Once his son Dylan was born, Larry began to draw for him and, slowly but surely, he came back to Art.
This time, though, he tired of tedious detail and being a slave to the pencil. He longed for the freedom to represent entire landscapes with a few simple movements of his hand and arm. He discovered watercolor, focused on the interplay of lightest light and darkest dark, and was launched into new horizons.
As time marched on, he experimented with other watermedia, loving acrylic and canvas and the pop of color from underpainting. Over time, he found that working in hard line, whether an ink pen on watercolor paper or black paint brushed on canvas, enhanced his work and established an unmistakable style. And it was good…."
Upcoming artists at the Westlake Village Library
31220 Oak Crest Drive
Westlake Village, CA 91361
(818) 865-9230
Monday - Closed
Tuesday and Wednesday - 12:00 to 8 PM
Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 10 AM to 6 PM
Sunday - Closed