Mixed Media
For purchasing info contact Suparna Sain.
TANGO by Susan Vogel 30x30 $3,465
On the Lip of the Storm by Roland Roy 48x48 $6000
La Noche del Soldado by Roland Roy 40x40 $5000
Fossil Trail Ascendance by Barabara Welch 24x30 $600
Mombasa Lady by Joyce Rumack 16x12 $450
Gazing Out The Window by Joyce Rumack 12x16 $800
Ascendance #2 by Barbara Welch 18x22 $600
Coming out of Her Shell by Janice Wise 11x10 $54
Out of the Box by Connie Tunick 20x20 $700
Blue and White Vase by Geri Gretan 16x20 $700
Rising from the Rubble by Joan Sharron 11x14 $275